Humidifier is not working & How to fix it (Solved!)

Humidifiers like any other electrical home equipment may occasionally experience problems and need basic troubleshooting and repairs.

Humidifier is not working & How to fix it
Humidifier is not working

If you use a humidifier, you are aware of how much it improves the quality of the air you breathe in at home or wherever you use it. However, the reverse may be the case when your humidifier stops working.

If your humidifier isn’t working, this article has got covered troubleshooting tips to help you fix the problem.

The good thing is that you don’t have to be a professional to get it done and have your humidifier working again. Continue reading for tips on how to fix a humidifier not working.

Identify the problem

Identifying the root cause of the problem will go a long way to help you fix your humidifier faster without wasting much time.

First, did your humidifier stop working suddenly, or does it turn on but doesn’t produce mist? You don’t want to perform random repairs on your humidifier hoping to get it up and running with sheer luck.

The common problem with humidifiers is that it is not producing mist which several things can be responsible for or there is water leakage from the humidifier or its reservoir.

To identify the problem with your humidifier, do this;

Step 1: Ensure that the humidifier is plugged into power and the device is receiving an adequate power supply.

Step 2: Check to see if your humidifier produces mist or not

Step 3: Check the humidifier reservoir and ensure it is filled with water

Step 4: check the settings on your humidistat and ensure you’re using the right settings as the wrong settings may cause it not to function properly.

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Step 5: Turn off the humidifier and switch it on.

When you’ve done this, you should be able to tell if your humidifier is not working at all or maybe it’s working and not producing mist.

However, let’s troubleshoot a humidifier that doesn’t work. Follow the tips below to fix your humidifier:

How to fix a humidifier not working

Here are some tips to help you fix your humidifier:

Check the Power source

The humidifier power cable has to be checked. Is it connected correctly or not? If it is not, then it may be responsible for the humidifier not working.

You should examine two key things if your humidifier won’t turn on or stop working suddenly.

First, check and ensure the cord is properly plugged into the power outlet, and then check to see if the power outlet is working or not.

If the humidifier is plugged into a faulty outlet, it won’t work. Swapping it to a new outlet will help fix the problem.

However, if the outlet works properly after you’ve tested other devices, then there may be chances that the power cord of your humidifier is faulty and needs to be changed.

If you’re using a power strip, remove it and plug the humidifier directly into a wall outlet, as there are chances that the power strip is faulty.

Lastly, if everything looks good but your humidifier still doesn’t work, then you have to check the circuit breaker and ensure it’s turned on. If everything looks good, continue the next troubleshooting tip.

Check the water panel

The water panel, which looks like a sponge, is also known as the pad or the evaporative pad, it distributes mist in your home.

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The water that is heated before being blown into the air of your home first goes to the pad where it will be heated before it is circulated into the room.

As a general rule, the usage of distilled water in humidifiers is always the best advice to adhere to as mineral deposits and particles from tap water or home water systems may cause building-up molds and dirt in the humidifier water panel, reducing its effectiveness.

As this dirt and deposits from the hard water continue to build up on the pad, it circulates unclean and germ-infested air into the room.

However, this can cause your humidifier to stop working and even damage it. To fix this issue, clean your humidifier regularly and avoid the usage of tap or hard water.

If you check and the pad is damaged, then you need to replace it, but if you find mineral deposits from hard water, then clean it up and this should fix the problem.

To fix a faulty humidifier pad, do this:

Step 1: Turn off the humidifier before disassembling the device to avoid electrical shocks

Step 2: Dissemble the parts and remove the pad and its frame

Step 3: Remove the pad from the frame, holding it in place.

Step 4: Clean the pad to remove all mineral deposits

Step 5: Replace the pad if it is damaged

Step 6: Ensure you cleaned the parts carefully and allow them to dry up before assembling.

Check the water level

If your humidifier stopped working suddenly or it stopped producing mist, then there are chances that the water level is low or too high.

When the water level is too low, it may prevent the device from turning on as a fail-safe. This prevents damage to the humidifier, as humidifiers cannot do without water.

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The next thing to do if you noticed the water level to be responsible for the problem is to fill the reservoir back up with water.

Check your user manual for the acceptable level of water for your humidifier to avoid high levels of water that may spill and cause damage to the humidifier and the power cord.

Water Leakage

When water leaks from the humidifier, it may cause it to stop working. Water leakage from a humidifier is dangerous, as it may complicate things and damage your humidifier.

When you notice water leaking from your humidifier, check carefully to find out where the leak is coming out from. Do not allow any puddle to form around or close to your humidifier to avoid electrical shocks and damage.

The base, reservoir, and nozzle are three places where water can leak. If you notice leakage from the nozzle, then you should lower the humidity level to fix this problem.

Leaks from the reservoir may show improper seating. Place the reservoir correctly on the humidifier or consult the user manual for directions.

If there are leaks from the base of the humidifier, this may mean that your humidifier is damaged and needs to be replaced.

Bottom Line

Some of the major problems you’ll encounter using humidifiers can be avoided with proper maintenance and cleaning.

This ensures your device lasts longer and doesn’t give you a headache. Taking preventive measures would help bring the chances of facing problems with your humidifier to zero.

As mentioned earlier, you don’t have to be a professional to fix your humidifier. However, if you’re not confident in yourself, then you need to consult your user manual.

Also, if you tried all the tips provided above and none seems to fix the problem, do well to employ the help of a professional.