
How To Grow Deep Water Culture Cannabis: Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

Cannabis cultivation has come a long way from its humble beginnings, and today, growers have many techniques to choose from. One such technique is the Deep Water Culture (DWC) method, which is increasingly popular among cannabis cultivators. 

This hydroponic method involves suspending the plant’s roots in oxygenated, nutrient-rich water, allowing the plant to absorb nutrients directly from the solution. But the question is how to grow deep water culture cannabis. 

To grow cannabis using deep water culture (DWC), you will need to set up a hydroponic system, fill it with a nutrient-rich water solution, and submerge the roots of the cannabis plant into the solution. You will need to provide the plants with adequate light and ventilation and monitor the pH and nutrient levels of the water.

In this guide, we’ll dive into DWC cannabis cultivation and provide a comprehensive guide on how to grow cannabis using the DWC method.

What is DWC Cannabis Cultivation?

DWC (Deep Water Culture) cannabis cultivation is a hydroponic method used to grow cannabis plants in a nutrient-rich water solution instead of soil. In this system, the plants are placed in buckets or containers filled with oxygenated water and supported with clay pellets. 

What is DWC Cannabis Cultivation?

A water pump, air pump, and water chiller maintain the water level, oxygen level, and water temperature to ensure optimal plant growth during vegetative and flowering stages. 

Nutrient solutions are fed to the plants through feeding tubes, and powerful LED or CFL grow lights provide the necessary light for photosynthesis. DWC cannabis cultivation is known for producing high yields and fast growth rates. 

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However, it requires regular maintenance to prevent issues such as nutrient burn, pests, and lack of oxygen. If you don’t know how the nutrient film technique works, check the content to get an overall idea about that. Top-fed DWC systems are a variation of the standard DWC system and involve feeding the plants from the top of the container.

Why Should You Grow Deep Water Culture Cannabis

Cannabis plants grown in DWC systems can produce bigger yields and grow faster than those grown in soil. Here are some benefits of growing cannabis in a deep water culture system.

Increased Oxygen Levels

One of the biggest advantages of DWC systems is the increased oxygen levels in the water. Cannabis roots need oxygen to thrive, and DWC systems provide them with constant access. The air pump used in the system helps to oxygenate the water, which in turn helps to prevent root rot and other issues caused by lack of oxygen.

Faster Growth

Cannabis plants grown in DWC systems can grow up to five times faster than those grown in soil. This is because plants can take up nutrients more efficiently in a water-based system, allowing them to focus their energy on growing.

Easy Maintenance

DWC systems are relatively easy to maintain, requiring minimal feeding and upkeep. Nutrient solutions can be easily added to the water, and a water pump can adjust the water level. Additionally, DWC systems are less prone to pest infestations and diseases than soil-based systems.

How To Grow Deep Water Culture Cannabis

Deep Water Culture (DWC) is a popular hydroponic system that involves growing cannabis plants in a nutrient-rich water solution. This method offers several benefits, including faster growth rates, increased yields, and better control over the plant’s environment. Here, we will discuss how to grow deep water culture cannabis.

1. Setting up the DWC System

To set up a deep water culture system, you will need a bucket or container, air pump, water pump, air stone, net pot, and growing medium such as clay pellets. Start by filling the bucket with water and adding the required nutrient solution. 

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Place the air stone at the bottom of the bucket and connect it to the air pump. Insert the net pot into the lid and fill it with clay pellets. Once the system is set up, adjust the water level to ensure that the roots are fully submerged.

2. Maintaining the DWC System

Maintaining a DWC system is relatively simple. Check the water level daily and adjust it as necessary. Monitor the water temperature, which should be between 65-75 °F, and adjust it using a water chiller if necessary. 

Maintain the oxygen level in the water by keeping the air pump running 24/7. Regularly check the pH level and adjust it using a pH up or down solution. Keeping the system free from harmful bacteria and pests is also essential.

3. Feeding the Cannabis Plants

During the vegetative stage, feed the cannabis plants with a balanced nutrient solution containing high nitrogen levels. During the flowering stages, switch to a nutrient solution with lower nitrogen and higher phosphorus and potassium levels. 

Follow a feeding schedule that matches the stage of the plant’s growth and adjust it as necessary based on the plant’s response.

4. Providing Light

Cannabis plants require a lot of light to grow and thrive. Install powerful LED or CFL grow lights that emit the full spectrum of light required for healthy growth. Give the plants 18–24 hours of light daily during the vegetative stage. 

However, provide 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness during the flowering stage daily.

5. Avoiding Nutrient Burn

One of the most common problems encountered when growing cannabis in DWC is nutrient burn. This occurs when the plants receive too many nutrients, causing the tips of the leaves to turn brown and curl up. 

To avoid nutrient burn, follow a feeding schedule that matches the plant’s growth stage, use a quality nutrient solution, and regularly check the pH level of the water.

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Troubleshooting and Common Issues of Growing Deep Water Culture Cannabis

Growing cannabis using the deep water culture (DWC) system effectively maximizes yields and increases plant growth rates. However, growers must be aware of common issues and troubleshooting techniques to maintain healthy cannabis plants.

Troubleshooting and Common Issues of Growing Deep Water Culture Cannabis

Water and Oxygen

The DWC system requires consistent water level maintenance to prevent the roots from drying out or being submerged. Ensure that the water level is always above the plant roots and that the water is oxygenated. A lack of oxygen can cause root rot and stunted plant growth. Install an air pump to maintain the oxygen level in the water.


Maintain the water temperature between 18-21 degrees Celsius to avoid harming the cannabis roots. High water temperatures can promote the growth of harmful bacteria, which can affect the plant’s health.

Nutrient Solutions and Feeding

Use high-quality nutrient solutions and follow a feeding schedule suitable for the stage of cannabis growth. Overfeeding can cause nutrient burn, stunting plant growth and reducing yields. Monitor the pH levels of the nutrient solution regularly, as imbalanced pH levels can affect the plant’s nutrient uptake.


Provide the cannabis plants with adequate lighting during the vegetative and flowering stages. Use grow lights that provide a suitable spectrum and intensity for the cannabis strain. Ensure that the lighting is not too close to the plants, as this can cause light burn and damage to the plant.


Regularly checks the DWC system for any signs of malfunction, such as a malfunctioning water pump. Clean the DWC system frequently to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and maintain the health of the plant roots. Use clay pellets as a growing medium to prevent algae growth.

Wrapping Up

Growing deep-water culture cannabis is a great way to get a high-quality crop of cannabis. It is a method that takes some practice and knowledge to master, but it can be done with patience and effort. 

Hopefully, you have gathered all the details about how to grow deep water culture cannabis after reading the guideline above. The key is to ensure that the pH and nutrient levels are within the right range and that the water is consistently oxygenated. 

The temperature and lighting should be monitored correctly to ensure the best possible growth. Overall, deep water culture cannabis can be a rewarding and successful endeavor when done correctly.